Sunday, November 16, 2008

Importation of Slaves 1853

In 1798, a act was passed which dealt with the importation of slaves into Kentucky. In 1833, this act was ammended to exclude the importation of slaves into Kentucky unless their owners intended to settle in the state. If they met this criteria, the slaveowners were required to take an oath as shown in the following document, which can be found in Livingston County, Kentucky Deed Book 2, page 68. Similar documents may be found in separate books, titled "Importation of Slaves," in other western Kentucky counties.

" ... Thomas J. Barrett states that on the 3rd day of December 1852 he purchased by his agent in the city of New Orleans, Louisiana the following Female slave Lucinda aged Twenty years and Louisa aged three years said slaves were imported or received in this state about the 10th or 12th of December 1852. I do swear that I have not purchased or received and imported into the state of Kentucky the slaves named in this list this day made out by me and filed with the clerk of Livingston County for my own private use, that they were not purchased for sale or speculation or to be treated as merchandise, that I do not believe any of them has been imported into the United States since the first day of January 1808 or that any of them has been convicted of felony in any other state or territory. Given under my hand this the 8th Day of January 1853." T.J. Barrett.

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