Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Livingston County, Kentucky Lunacy Record 1875

The following lunacy record was found in Livingston County Loose County Clerk's papers, Box 19 - July term 1875, Livingston County Clerk's Office, Smithland, Kentucky.
"State of Kentucky, Livingston County} To the Town Marshal of Smithland, Sheriff or Jailor of Livingston County: Whereas Charles S. Lyon has been brought before me on a charge of Lunacy you will summon Twelve discreet house Keepers to attend at the Court House instanter for the purpose of inquiring into the condition of the mind of sd. Lyon and you will make due return of this writ. Given under my hand this 1st day of July 1875. J.K. Huey, Judge L. County.
The Commonwealth of Kentucky, Livingston County Court Special Term July 1st 1875. Hon. J.K. Huey, County Judge Presiding. Commonwealth of Kentucky, Plaintiff Against Charles S. Lyon, Defendant} Charge of Lunacy. The Defendant Charles S. Lyon being in open Court, and N.H. Bigham Esq. County Attorney being present - ordered that John W. Bush Esq., a practising attorney of this Court be and he is hereby appointed to represent the Defendant.
And therefore the following Jurors, viz, J.W. Drewry, T.C. Leech, J.T. Cochran, J.V. Scyster, E. Brandstetter, A.J. Ramage, A.D. Dougherty, J.M. Clark, J.H. Dean, E.G. Clark, James Stroud and R.A. Clopton, appeared and were duly sworn as the law directs, and after hearing the evidence and examining the accused, returned the following verdict, Viz: "We the Jury find that Charles S. Lyon, the person whom we have in Charge is of unsound mind, that he is a Lunatic, that he has lost his mind since his birth, that he has not been destitute of mind from infancy, but lost his mind about the 13th day of May 1875, that the probable causes from the evidence, was Spiritualism, Religion and Love. He was born in Livingston County Kentucky and has been a resident of sd. county up to sd. date, that he was not brought here to become a charge upon the Commonwealth and that he has Real Estate and personalty amounting to about six Hundred Dollars as follows - 2 Houses and Lots in Smithland worth $500, Set Blacksmith Tools $15, Set Chest Tools $15, Wardrobe $10, Trunk $5, Bedstead & Mattress $7 and about Two Hundred and Fifty seven worth other articles, One sealed Package in safe of C.B. Davis - contents unknown - Both his parents are dead and he is not capable of performing Labor to support himself."
And therefore it is adjudged by the Court that Charles S. Lyon is a Lunatic and E.G. Leeper is hereby appointed a Committee to sd. Lunatic, and E.G. Leeper appeared in Court, and he together with C.B. Davis his surety executed bond and acknowledged covenant to and with the Commonwealth and approved by the Court. Sd. Committee is further directed to immediately convey sd. Lunatic to the second Lunatic Asylum at Hopkinsville Ky without waiting to send to the Keeper thereof. It is further ordered that sd. committee be allowed a guard to assist him in conveying sd. Lunatic to the aslum."

Published 12 Nov 2008, Western Kentucky Genealogy Blog,

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