Sunday, March 8, 2009

Uniontown News 1914

Finding news items from Union County, Kentucky prior to 1924 can be challenging. The following items have been transcribed from the 9 November 1914 issue of the Evansville, Indiana Courier.

John Styles has moved into his new home in North Uniontown.

Henry Buckman of Robinsonville delivered some fat cattle this week.

Mr. and Mrs. Will Sparks of Morganfield chaperoned a motor party here each night to attend the mission services at St. Agnes. The question box, a feature of the evening services, is attracting many.

The children's mission services, which began last Monday at St. Agnes, closed yesterday. It was well attended.

Mrs. Robert Compton of this city was taken to Morganfield this week and was adjudged insane. She was sent to the asylum at Hopkinsville.

N.T. Wathen was in the city yesterday and after his recent accident in a runaway, his friends were glad to see him out and so much improved.

Mrs. Helen Wedding has returned to her home in Henderson after a short visit here with relatives.

Several of our citizens have been going to the capital this week attending court. Among them were A. Hatfield, Carrol Cody, C.J. Cambrom, George Moore and others.

Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Pike of Henderson motored here to be the guests of Charles Pike and family Friday.

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