Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Livingston County, KY Poor House Inmates 1880

The 1880 population schedule of Livingston County shows five inmates in the county Poor House. They are listed as follows:

Young Morgan, age 84, blind
Judidah Morgan, wife, age 64
Loveiace Guiner, age 77, maimed and crippled
Matilda Durham, age 45
Josephine Horning, age 35, palsied

A little more information can be found on the 1880 DDD Schedule for Livingston County. It shows the following:
Young Morgan, admitted Oct. ‘79
Juditha Morgan, admitted Oct ‘79
Lovet Gainer, old and palsied, admitted Aug [year illegible]
Matilda Durham, admitted 1876
Josephine Horning, admitted 1878

As Poor House residents were charges of the county, very often there will be a record of their admission in the county court minutes. A check in the county court order book might reveal additional information.

Originally published 17 Sep 2009. Second time around 9 Jul 2024.

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