Friday, November 21, 2008

Livingston County Strays 1811

Found livestock and other items, including boats, were taken before the local justice of the peace and appraised. If no one claimed the item after a period of time, the found items could become the property of the “finder.” The following entries have been abstracted from Livingston County Stray Book A 1799 - 1852, which can be found in the Livingston County Clerk’s Office, Smithland, Kentucky. Strays found in 1810 were published in this blog on 18 October 2008.

Taken up by Thomas N. Shelby near Centreville on 18 January 1811, one stray bull appraised by Moses Shelby at $4.50 before H. McDaniel, J.P.

Taken up 19 January 1811 by Jacob Forman, living on the Ohio River, one bay mare appraised by John Bowling & Hugh Blythe before Wm. Rice, J.P.

This day [date not given] appearing before Robert Kirk, one of the Justices of the peace for Livingston County, was Arthur Love, John Mitchel & William Love and saith that they have valued one horse taken up by Andrew Love, a brown colt appraised to $30.

Also the above appraisers hath appraised one heifer taken up by Andrew Love and appraised to $3.50 before Robt. Kirk, J.P.

Taken up 14 January 1811 by John Reed, living on Deer Creek, one bay mare with a colt appraised to $35 by Jno. Hardin & John Craig before Jos. Reed, J.P.

Taken up by John Reed 14 January 1811, Deer Creek, a bay mare with a colt appraised to $25 by Jno. Hardin and Jno. Craig.

Taken up by Richd. Fulkerson [no date], one boar appraised to 75 cents by Frederick Fulkerson & Dempsy Coffield before Jos. Reed, J.P.

Taken up 10 Feburary 1811 by Robert Leeper near Centreville, a stray horse appraised to 25 cents before Hiram McDaniel, J.P.

Taken up by James Golliher 26 January 1811, a mare appraised to $18 before Jos. Reed, J.P.

Taken up 11 March 1811 by George Tremble at or near the Rock in Cave ferry on the Ohio River Kentucky shore, one perogue supposed to be near 61 feet long, no marks or brands except a split in the bow, loaded with staves, the perogue supposed to be worth $8 as appraised by Moses Graham, Joseph Tremble and Andrew N. Hawthorne before Robt. Kirk, J.P.

Taken up 21 April 1811 by Edward Lacey Senr., one grey horse appraised to $15 by Charles Campbell & Wm. Love before Robt. Kirk, J.P.

Taken up by James Quinton on the piney fork of Tradewater 27 May 1811, a mare appraised to $18 by Wm. Stephenson & Francis Liddle before S. Fowler, J.P.

Taken up 23 March 1811 by Samuel Nunn near Tradewater, one cow and a young calf appraised to $7.50 by Ezekiel Preston & Ira Nunn before Jos. Miller, J.P.

Taken up by James Hewy [no date], living on the waters of Byo Creek, a mare appraised to $45; also a bay mare, a natural trotter, appraised to $30 by George Robertson and James Fauster before Wm. Rice, J.P.

Taken up 25 November 1811 by Wm. Pippin on Deer Creek, two hogs examined by Thomas Champion and James Hodge and valued to $5 before Jos. Reed, J.P.

Taken up 30 November 1811 by Isaac Gaskins on Crooked Creek, a bay mare appraised to $30 by Robt. S. Caldwell and Reuben Jackson before S. Fowler, J.P.

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