Saturday, November 22, 2008

Obituary of M.R. Waller 1908

Most western Kentucky counties had a weekly county newspaper and usually printed everything of interest to its readers, including births, deaths and marriages. For those counties with no extant newspapers, you might find you need to read newspapers of neighboring counties. The following obituary can be found in the 6 November 1908 issue of the Henderson Daily Gleaner, which routinely covered happenings in Union County. This is good as Union County's newspapers are non-existent prior to 1924.

Morganfield, Ky., Nov. 3 - After an illness of several weeks Mr. M.R. Waller died at his home in this city about 2 o’clock Sunday morning. By his death an old landmark and one of our most prominent citizens was removed from our midst.

For several months Mr. Waller had gradually grown weaker from the infirmities of old age, and for several weeks the family had known the end was near. Everything possible was done for him during his last illness; every attention that loving hands could bestow was shown him.

The funeral occurred yesterday morning at 10 o’clock, the services being conducted by Rev. Thomas, pastor of the Methodist church, at the family residence.

The interment took place at the Masonic cemetery, and the large number that gathered at the grave manifested popularity of the deceased and the high esteem in which he was held.

The pall bearers were Messr. Robt. Mason, Jap Waller, Parker Offutt, J.K. Waller and Nace Waller.

The deceased was a native of Union county and a member of one of the oldest, largest and wealthiest families in the county. The Waller family has been identified with the progress of our county since its earliest history and no member of that family has been more prominent than the subject of this sketch. He was a son of Aaron Waller and grandson of John Waller, a native of Wales, who settled in Union county in 1805.

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