Thursday, December 23, 2010

Letters to Santa 1912

The Henderson Gleaner published Letters to Santa each year shortly before Christmas. The following letters were published in the 14 December 1912 issue of the Gleaner.

Reed, Ky.
Dear Santa:  I am a little boy 11 years old. I want you to bring me a gun, ball, candy, oranges, apples and nuts.    

Your little boy,
Jim Henry Haynes
~  ~  ~

Henderson, Ky.
Dear Santa Claus:  I want a new dress, a pair of shoes, a new hat, some candy, fruit and nuts, and don't forget my little brothers, Curtis and Robert. They want a wagon with a seat on it, some new waists and a new hat, also some candy, fruit and nuts, and please don't forget my little baby sister. She wants a doll and a rocky horse and a little broom and candy, nuts and fruit. That will be all. Please don't forget us.

Marie, Curtis, Robert and Gladys McBride
We live at 611 Second street.
~ ~ ~

Hebbardsville, Ky.
Dear Old Santa Claus: I am a little girl four years old. I want you to come to see me Christmas; also come to see papa, mama, my brothers and little sister. Bring me a doll, dishes, stove, necklace, oranges, nuts and candy, and all the nice things you have to spare. I will be good until Christmas.

Chestine Newman
~ ~ ~

Baskett, Ky.
Dear Santa Claus: I am a little boy 13 years old. I want a Daisy rifle, 50 shots, and a harp and a watch and some apples and some oranges and candy. That is all for this Christmas. Don't forget my little brother, Isadore. He is two years old. He wants a rockying chair, a box of building blocks, a rubber ball, a little rubber doll and candy and apples and oranges, a pair of shoes. I will close for this Christmas.

Lonnie Beals


Forgotten Passages said...

Love the letters to Santa from the past. What the children want is so much different from today, and it meant so much more then.

Genevieve Netz said...

Such considerate little children, making sure that no one in their families was left out.