Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Caldwell County School Districts 1822

The following can be found following the 1822 Caldwell County, Kentucky Tax List (microfilm) and provides information on the number of school age children at that time.

As Clerk of the Caldwell County Court I certify that by an Order of said court passed at their April term 1822, the sd. County was laid off into Eleven School Districts. I further certify that the following are the number of children between the ages of four and fourteen in each school district as returned by each Commissioner so far as they have returned their Commissioners books, to wit: in School District No. 1 - 128 children, in School District No. 2 Fifty Children, in School District No. 3 no return made, in District No. 4 One hundred and fifty eight children, in District No. 5 One hundred and Eighty One children, in District No. 6 One hundred and fifty nine children, District 7 - 272 children, in district No. 8 - 213 Childred, in district No. 9 - 242 Children, in district No. 10 - 113 children - in district No. 11 Eighty four Children. [signed] Jno. H. Phelps Clk.

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