Little is known of the early schools of Crittenden County, with the exception of Brown's Academy. Another of the early schools was Crittenden Academy, which began on the 5th day of November 1849 and was staffed by two people from New York.
The flyer advertising Crittenden Academy was found in Crittenden County Circuit Court bundle 55, case file of Yeakey's Executors vs Yeakey's heirs, which was filed in 1853 and can be found at the Kentucky Department for Libraries and Archives, Frankfort, Kentucky.
The flyer states that Mr. James W. Primmer was Principal of the Male Department and Miss Harriet M. Cary was Principal of the Female Department. The first session of the institution will continue for 20 weeks and it was promised that the Crittenden Academy will be "fully equal to any Eastern Academic School. Particular attention will be paid to the morals, manners and habits of the pupils."
The price for the Common English Branches, including Reading, Writing, Arithmetic, Grammar, History, Geography and Philosophy was $6.00 per session. Languages, lessons on the Piano Forte, drawing, painting and embroidery were available for additional fees.
The exact location of the academy in Crittenden County is not stated, but it was "in the most healthy portion of the Green River country, and from its close proximity to the Ohio and Cumberland rivers (ten miles), possessing all the advantages of a river town, and at the same time is free from all the objections - such as epidemics, diseases, and a continuous changing population ..."
Boarding was available with "excellent private families" was available for $1.25 to $1.50 per week, including washing and lights.
It would be interesting to know how long this academy existed and how many local students attended.
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