One of the oldest graveyards in the Salem, Kentucky area is the Pippin [Butler] Cemetery, located behind the old Butler home on Butler Lane. The cemetery is also accessible from the corner of Taylor and Berry Streets. The cemetery is in the middle of a cornfield and is on private property.
When the cemetery was recorded for
Livingston County Kentucky Cemeteries (published 1977), nearly 20 tombstones were recorded, although some were almost unreadable. When my cousin and I visited the cemetery on 9 January 2013, we could not find some of the tombstones listed in 1977. Most of the tombstones are broken and all are littered with downed branches and bushes, perhaps from recent ice storms.
The most recent tombstone is that of Jesse Patterson, who died 22 December 1841 at the age of 43, and his wife, Martha, who died 6 August 1864 at the age of 58. Their tombstone appears to be of Vermont marble and is the easiest of all to read. It is broken from his base, but is not weathered as the other tombstones in this cemetery.
Nearby is the tombstone for Wilson Ashley Hunt, born in the City of Dublin 21 September 1792 and died 26 June 1833. He was the first husband of Martha Patterson. The cholera was epidemic in Kentucky during 1832-1833 so possibly this was the cause of his death.
There was a foot stone with the initials of S.M.W. No corresponding
headstone was found. When the cemetery was recorded in 1977, a foot stone with W.A.H. was also found. This, most likely, was for Wilson Ashley Hunt.
Also found was a small obeliske shaped tombstone with engraving on three sides. One side had Dallam Our Little Clara 1846, another side had Our Little Charley 1847 and the third side had Mrs. S. Barbour, Grandma, 1789-1846. Very likely these were the children and mother of Camilla Barbour, who married Francis Henry Dallam 9 April 1839 in Caldwell County. The Dallam family lived in Livingston County before moving to Henderson.
Also buried here was Nellie Ann Woods, wife of H.W. Woods. She was born 12 October 1817 and died 11 April 1845. Nellie Ann Hodge married Dr. G.R. Stewart in 1833 and, after his death, she married Henry W. Woods 24 August 1834 in Livingston County.
A very large stone for William Bayless was broken and found on its side, leaning against some branches. I'll save the information on William Bayliss for another day as a separate post on the Bayliss family is being planned.
One of the most interesting tombstones found was that of Mrs. Ann Johnson, who was born 13 November 1804 and died 5 April 1833. Her tombstone was broken and face down in the dirt. The year of her death was on a separate stone. On the edges of the thick tombstone were what appeared to be engravings of the sun.
There was also a stone with just the name Wigginton.
When the cemetery was recorded in 1977, tombstones for the following were listed, but were not found in 2013: Elizabeth J. Foster, Rachel C. Foster, Zach W. Williamson, William Thompson, ___ Thompson, Betti Bayliss, Elizabeth Bayliss, Darien Frazer, Augustus Butler.
Published 17 Jan 2013 on Western Kentucky Genealogy Blog,