Thursday, September 26, 2019

Henderson, Kentucky Newspaper Advertisements 1853

What better way to get a sense of the business and social climate of an area than to read the newspaper advertisements?  The following advertisements have been gleaned from the 20 January 1853 issue of the Democratic Banner of Henderson, Kentucky. This issue of the Banner is available in the Henderson Public Library and also on

Administrators Notice - Notice is hereby given to all the creditors of Benjamin F. Hardwick, Dec'd, to produce to the undersigned Administrator of said Dec'd, or to file with the presiding Judge of the Henderson County Court, their claims against the said Benj. F. Hardwick Dec'd  ... on or before the 8th day of January next, when a settlement of the matters of the Administration will be made. The assets are not sufficient to pay all the debts, and the claims not presented by the day aforesd., will not be paid, nor any part of them this 7th December 1852.  [signed] S.L. Drewry, Admr.  December 9, 1852

Life Insurance - The undersigned is Agent for the Kentucky Mutual Life Insurance Company, and will insure both Whites and Slaves, upon the most favorable terms.  P.H. Hillyer, Agent.   R.P. Letcher, Medical Examiner.

F. Millet, Merchant - This gentleman has removed to his new store rooms on the north side of Mill Street where he will keep on hand a general assortment of goods in his line.

Negros [sic] For Sale - On the 24th inst. (county court day) I will expose for sale at the court house door in the town of Henderson, four negroes, a woman and three children. The two youngest children will be sold with the mother as I am unwilling to separate them. A credit until June next will be given. Bond with approved security will be required.  [signed]  John B. Cabell

W.R. King - The report of this gentleman's death is no doubt false ... he has arrived at Havana in improved health.

Particular Notice -  The undersigned, desirous of closing out his business in this place, offers his well selected stock of ready-made Clothing and furnishing goods at very low prices. His stock consists, in part, of Coats, vests, pants, drawers, shirts, sacks, cloaks, &c. of every  style and quality; hats, caps, shoes, boots, &c. On Saturday, the 20th inst., I will commence  SELLING OFF AT COST, and on Saturday the 27th I will commence selling  AT AUCTION. All sums of $5 and under cash at hand - over $5 credit until the first of March, good security required. Country merchants will find it to their interest to call at the auction sales every Saturday. I hope those who may read this may give me a call and satisfy themselves that my word is NO HOAX.  [signed] S. Bissinger.

For Sale - Two good work horses (one rode well) either works well in single or double harness or in ploughing.  Having bought a pair of mules for my purpose, have no use for the horses. Call at the Louisville Furniture Rooms, Main Street.  [signed] C.H. Woolford.

Published 26 Sep 2019, Western Kentucky Genealogy Blog, 

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