Not everyone was a landowner in early Kentucky - many people leased land. It is not easy to find a formal lease as so often they went unrecorded. The following lease was one of 3 or 4 found among loose papers in the Caldwell County Clerk’s Office, Princeton, Kentucky.
“This indenture Witnesseth that Bryant Nichols administrator of G.G. Morse Deceased hath this day leased unto John Sheraden for the term of Five years a certain farm and tract of land Situate and being in the county of Caldwell & State of Kentucky on the waters of Donoldson containing 180[?] acres, Known as the Jefferson Morse Survey, with the appurtenances thereunto belonging, or in any wise appertaining and doth in consideration of the covenants here inafter made and expressed on the part of the sd. Bryant Nichols convenants and binds himself that Sheraden shall hold, use and occupy the farm and tract of land for and during the term aforesd. without let or hindrance and in consideration thereof Sheraden on his part covenants and agrees to pay Bryant Nichols as administrator the Sum of Fifty one dollars per year as rent thereof to be paid by the end of each year from this date. Nichols agrees and binds him Self to take the rent in repairing [the] farm, Nichols is to allow John Sheraden two dollars per Hundred for every hundred rales[?] he the sd. Sheraden makes and putes up on the place, and at the end of the term to Surrender peaceable possession thereof in as good order and repair as it now is excepting the natural decay and usual ware and tare of the premises and unavoidable casualties. Witness the hands and Seals of the parties this 6th day of November 1865. [signed] John (X his mark) Sheraden, Bryant Nichols admr of G.G. Morse dec’d.”
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