Sunday, October 6, 2013

Blog Anniversary

I want to share some numbers with you:  6 and 970.  What is the significance of those two numbers?  6 years ago on the 6th of October 2007, the first Western Kentucky Genealogy Blog post appeared.  Since that date, there have been 970 posts. That translates to a lot of time spent in front of this computer and even more time searching for material. This blog is truly a labor of love because the financial return isn't so great (Translation:  $0).

So, thanks for joining me here. I plan to continue the blog for some time and hope you will join me. If you have any suggestions on how to improve the blog or the type of material you would like to see, please let me know.

Published 6 October 2013, Western Kentucky Genealogy Blog,


David Sullivan said...

Brenda, ESPECIALLY since it's a labor of love with no monetary return, I owe a "thank you" to you for your efforts. You say that you welcome comments for improvement, but I assure you that what you are doing is excellent in all aspects. I hope I speak for all of us. THANKS!

Brenda Joyce Jerome said...

Thank you, David. I appreciate your kind words.

Unknown said...

Yes, to all the above! I read your blog regularly. My roots are Smiths (among others) in Muhlenberg County. I've been at it since c. 1985 and I still have much to learn. You are unexcelled in what you do. Especially appreciated the Find a Grave info the other day. May God grant you the patience, health and desire to keep at it. Thank You! (I used to read your printed publication in my library on WKU campus.)

Brenda Joyce Jerome said...

It's nice to hear from "long time friends." Thank you!