G.A. Haydock
March 5, 1850
Aged 46 years
Buried Smithland Cemetery, Livingston County, Kentucky. Tombstone photographed 2008. Click on the tombstone for an enlarged view. Note the Masonic symbol at the top of the tombstone.
Gideon Augustus Haydock was born in New Jersey and married Harriet Conway 5 August 1832 Calloway County, Kentucky. G.A. and Harriet Haydock had the following children: Elizabeth, born ca 1833 and married Amzi D. Leech; Joseph Given, born 19 November 1835, married Mary J. Grubbs, died 20 January 1925 Stoddard County, Missouri; Augustus G., born ca 1838, died April 1862 at the Battle of Shiloh; Hannah; Clara Given, born ca 1845, living in Cape Girardeau, Missouri in 1870; Mary, born ca 1848.
Published 17 Feb 2009, Western Kentucky Genealogy Blog, http://wkygenealogy.blogspot.com/
I have done considerable on this family & would be glad to shar (haydock@ix.netcom.com).My info shows Joseph Given Haydock 1835-1925 m 2x. 1st m Louisa Arant 1867 2m Nancy J Gaither 1871. I show no m to Mary J Grubbs. (where did that come from?)
Thanks for responding. The death certificate for several of the children of Joseph G. Haydock lists their mother as Mary J. Grubbs,Nannie Grubbs or Jennie Grubbs. These children all died in Stoddard County, Missouri.
JOseph G. Haydock appears on the 1880 Marshall County, KY census with a wife Mary J. and a houseful of children.
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