Thursday, November 3, 2011

Union County Health Report 1906-1907

The following report comes from Annual Report - Kentucky State Board of Health 1906-1907.

The population of Union County, Ky. is 27,000, not many of them have been vaccinated of late. We have an eruptive hospital located 3 miles from Morganfield, Ky., with a capacity of 50 patients, but we have not used it since our last report, but quarantine smallpox, scarlet fever, and diphtheria where found. There have been 8 cases of scarlet fever, colored patients; 55 cases of measles, colored patients; 10 cases of typhoid fever, colored patients; diphtheria, colored patients, none; 30 cases of tuberculosis, colored and 20 deaths, about 7 of these cases were consumption of the bowels.

Two cases of tuberculosis, (whites) 2 deaths.
Ten cases of typhoid fever, 2 deaths.
Two cases of diphtheria, (whites), no deaths.
Fourteen cases of scarlet fever, (whites), no deaths.
Measles prevailed endemically at Morganfield District, 200 cases or more, no deaths.
Chickenpox prevailed at Hitesville, no deaths.

The Board of Health has done good work. No school discontinued on account of diseases; no deaths of school children from any contagious or infective diseases. The Board of Health have required deep, dry wells, 60 or 70 feet deep where nuisances have been created by emptying slops from kitchens, bath houses and where the same have been connected with privies and emptied into the streets in towns.

There are nine slaughter houses in the county, all in good condition, nine meat markets, all screened in, and meats kept in tight vaults, with large ice boxes in each one where the meats are hung.

Everything is prosperous in Union County, Ky., and the "Goose hangs high."

Very Respectfully,
Thos. J. Shoemaker, M.D., Secretary.

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